21-15-9 Squat to press Toes to bar Walk out Best times: Nanna: 8.54 /w 16Kg in Squats and legraise Julie: 10.44 /w 20Kg in Squats and legraise jan. 29th. 2015
/* Prevent direct access to this file */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) { exit( __('Sorry, you are not allowed to access this file directly.', DFCG_DOMAIN) ); } ?>
Spartacus The Workout Tre runder af 10 øvelser. 45 sekunders arbejde, 15 sekunders pause. 2 min. pause mellem runderne. Ønskes ekstra udfordring ændres de to minutter til aktiv “pause” The Workout Alternating V-Ups High Swings Squat to Press…
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