21-15-9 Toes To Bar/Knees To Elbows/Knee Raise Jumps Squat Push Press Row Best times: 5.11 5.41 6.06 6.13 6.23
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Jump Around For Timeh4> 20 Double Unders (DU) or 50 Singles 10 Clean 20 Double Unders (DU) or 50 Singles 10 Walk Out 20 Double Unders (DU) or 50 Singles 10 Front Squats 20 Double Unders (DU) or 50 Singles…
550 reps for Time 100 x Mountain Climbers 90 x Squats 80 x Butterfly Situps 70 x Back Extentions 60 x Push Ups 50 x Mountain 40 x Squats weighted 30 x Situps weighted 20 x Burpees 10 x Pull…
Choose how many minutes you want to train and let it rip. 6 Bend Over Row 6 Sumo Deadlift High Pull 6 Overhead Lunges 6 Viking Push Press 6 Drop Squats Best: 5 rounds in 10 min You can go…
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